Automated Enumeration
windows automated enumeration tool:
1 | c:\Tools\privilege_escalation\windows-privesc-check-master>windows-privesc-check2.exe |
-h help
–dump dump output
-G list groups
1 | ./unix-privesc-check standard > output.txt |
Windows privilege escalation examples
Windoes privilege and integrity levels
Access token assigned to a user
security id (sid) unique to each object including access token, user account, group account.
Integrity mechanism:
From Windows Vista onward, processes run on four integrity levels:
• System integrity process: SYSTEM rights
• High integrity process: administrative rights
• Medium integrity process: standard user rights
• Low integrity process: very restricted rights often used in sandboxed processes
User account control (UAC)
Even logged in as admin, we are operating at Medium integrity level, to switch, specifying run as administrator:
1 | powershell.exe Start-Process cmd.exe -Verb runAs |
run cmd.exe in as administrator
credential prompt and consent prompt
User account control bypass
allows an administrator user to bypass UAC by silently elevating our integrity level from medium to high.
leverage an interesting UAC bypass based on fodhelper.exe
1 | C:\Windows\System32\fodhelper.exe |
In order to gather detailed information regarding the fodhelper integrity level and the permissions required to run this process, we will inspect its application manifest
dump the manifest of fohelper.exe:
1 | cd C:\Tools\privilege_escalation\SysinternalsSuite |
1 | <requestedPrivileges> |